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Thursday 16 August 2012

Can You Rule The World of Sales Using Your Imagination?

Can You Rule The World of Sales Using Your Imagination?
Napoleon once said,” Imagination rules the world. “

In some industries, imagination is essential to success. Designers, writers, photographers, illustrators and others need constant creativity and ingenuity to stay ahead of the competition. Without it, they and their businesses fall flat.

The very same prinicple applies to sales. While most people don’t consider business a creative industry, imagination is just as important in business as in other fields. The best salespeople look beyond the obvious to generate good ideas, then work and strategize to make them come to fruition and utlimately their company more profitable.

Imagination is one of the most important things a salesperson can have, and the benefits go beyond dreaming up new ventures. Successful salespeople are also imaginative in problem solving. They see multiple solutions to a problem, even when some may not be obvious, and their creative solutions usually generate better outcomes than would be possible otherwise.

So, what can you do to put your imagination to work for you? When talking to a prospect, use your imagination to help them visualize the ease of doing business and all the profits they’ll make when they use your products or services.

Tell them a story that weaves in the facts about your dedication, your services and your willingness to send them ideas and help fulfill their needs.

A constructive imagination will sweep away your competitors like yesterdays trash. Imaginative stories and ideas will seem like a breath of fresh air to customers who’ve only been “entertained” with dry details, facts, figures and me-me-me-ness by your competitors.

If you’ll develop your imaginative powers to the utmost, you’ll develop your sales numbers in the same proportion.

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