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Friday 29 June 2012

The First Question I ask My Salespeople!

The first question I always ask my salespeople is "What are you selling? 

The answer I'm looking for is yourself. The client won't buy anything if they don't like you. 

Learning about the different personalities, how to sell them and make them comfortable with you is the key to selling. 

The second question I ask is "How do you treat others"? 

I don't want to hear "As I would like to be treated" because then you will alienate 75% of the people you deal with. You are a just one of the 4 different personalities and the other 3 don't wish to be treated the same way. Of course there are some standard things like honesty, kindness, and sincerity but different personalities have different needs in order to feel good about themselves and you and if you don't know what these needs are then you lost the game. 

Within 2 - 3 sentences I can tell which personality you are, the best way to sell you and make you feel comfortable with me. After that I need to know my product and how that product/service will help YOU. 

I think any good sales trainer will know the above and teach it if they really want the salespeople to close more often but I suspect it is the one thing never covered.

By Charlie Rudd Corporate Developments.

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