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Monday 9 July 2012

Do You Know Why Your Doing What You Do?

The powerful question in Sales is WHY? why do we care?why do we want to change? why will this benefit you and your company? why are you doing it? why should we trust you? to find a solution to Why, this must come from within yourself and the solution for me is to believe.

Do Business with people who believe what they believe,hire people who believe in what you believe.
As the great Simon Sinek states, Apple would not state "we make great computers with simple design do you want one" they would say "Everything we do challenges status quo and we just happen to make great computers want to buy one" the same thing different langage.
Apple believe in their products and know they make excellent computers, thats what they do and how can that help your business. People buy Why your doing it.

You must Believe in your services, products and skills, You may have Talent but this alone will not create long term success without developing your skills, "Talent will fail if you don't work to develop your skills"

If your inner diloge is telling you it's too hard, a wase of time, or the econnomy is shafted nobody is spending, you are creating negativity within yourself and this will most certainly effect your sales.

It's a nessesaty to make a difference in your attitude to potenial clients, it's vital you communicate and build good rapport, understand their believe as a business and know WHY their doing it.

How can 2mm change things?
If your playing Golf and you constantly swinging into the rough, the 2mm angle of the club head can change the hole game of golf, if you go for surgery on your face, 2mm can change your ugly face to beauty, so if your sat in a call center not getting the results on the phone, move your torso up 2mm and listen to the change in your voice, its more possative and confident in its self.

Successful people do what failures wont.

By Charlie Rudd Corporate Developments.

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