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Wednesday 26 September 2012

Understanding the Sales Force

You are driving down the highway and see an enormous truck in your side mirror.  The truck is moving very fast - twice your speed - and closing in quickly.  You continue to look in the mirror and because of the way your side mirror is shaped, it appears that the closer the truck gets, the more likely it seems that the truck will simply run right over you.  You accelerate a little, keeping watch on that mirror and then it happens.  You miss the sharp bend in the road and drive off the cliff.
This short story is the real-world equivalent to something which often occurs with your salespeople.  There are new opportunities to be targeted, as well as opportunities which already populate the pipeline.  The most promising of the existing opportunities seem to get most of the salesperson's attention.  One particular call causes the salesperson to become so excited that she devotes the rest of the week to developing an appropriate solution, value proposition, ROI, proposal and presentation.  She is so focused on this opportunity that she forgets all about what is up ahead.  Post-presentation and proposal, she begins making follow-up calls and over the course of the next month goes into full-chase mode.  When it finally sinks in that this prospect is not returning calls, has gone missing, and won't be buying anything from her soon, it's too late.  She neglected to continue filling her pipeline, has neglected to line up new opportunities, not stayed in touch with other opportunities in her pipeline and drove off the cliff.
It happens all the time.
It's not the salesperson's fault.
That's what sales managers are supposed to be doing.  Sales Managers must not only help, but hold their salespeople accountable to being focused on the right activities and behaviors, at the right time, on the right opportunities, and for the right reasons.  They must also provide coaching on each opportunity so the salesperson can see what is in front of them and avoid falling off the cliff.

Monday 17 September 2012

Corporate Developments: Cold Calling Tips: #1 + Communication + Strategy

Corporate Developments: Cold Calling Tips: #1 + Communication + Strategy: Custom-tailored a sale lead generation system for your organization with effective sales guidelines for each industry sector you are targ...

Cold Calling Tips: #1 + Communication + Strategy

Custom-tailored a sale lead generation system for your
organization with effective sales guidelines for each industry
sector you are targeting and a series of unique prospecting
Develop your business communication strategy - This must
convey your telemarketing services message through a
focused presentation dialogue that uses all the various sales
techniques available to you; your prospective customers and
clients must see enough value in your sales presentation
that they are willing to let you continue with the
conversation, and most importantly, the delivery of the
message must create a memorable lasting experience
associated with the product or service provided.
Your ultimate aim is to make them feel good about your
products or services.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Corporate Developments: Small Business Marketing Tips

Corporate Developments: Small Business Marketing Tips: As a business owner, you should be constantly searching for small business marketing tips that can be used in your business. This will ens...

Small Business Marketing Tips

As a business owner, you should be constantly searching for small business marketing tips that can be used in your business. This will ensure that your marketing efforts are always fresh and relevant. We have collected some of the best small business marketing tips that every owner should know.

Appeal to emotions because emotion almost always wins over reason. 
In your marketing messages, whether they are print, online, video or other, appeal to the emotions of your audience. If you make your audience feel something, that feeling will certainly win out over reason. It is much easier to evoke sentiments than it is to win an argument.

Invest more in your online marketing that in any other type of marketing. 
While there is more to small business marketing than online marketing, it is the most important component today. Increasing numbers of consumers use the Internet to research and make decisions on their purchases. If you do not have a solid online presence, you do not exist for a large portion of your target audience. Therefore, you need to make sure you have a great website; traffic is being sent to it; and you are working the leads you get from your online marketing. Effective online marketing takes time, commitment and consistency.

Maintain a dialogue with your clients. 
Find out what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong, as well as what you are not doing at all by having a dialogue with your clients. To do so, establish and maintain Twitter, Facebook  and LinkedIn accounts that you use regularly; do surveys; blog; visit industry forums; and more. Any time you have an opportunity to communicate with your clients and would-be clients, whether in person or virtually, do so. That is where you will find the most valuable information about what exactly they want and how you can meet their needs better. This is one of the most valuable small business marketing tips you can get.

Focus on existing customers. 
Those who have already bought from you are very likely to do so again. Make sure that you have a marketing plan in place to stay in contact with existing customers and entice them to come back. It costs a lot less to retain a client than it does to get a new one.

Use word of mouth promotion.
Word of mouth seems very much like an old-fashioned type of marketing method and one that leaves a lot to chance. But in today’s technological world, that is not the case. Offer incentives for existing customers to refer you to their friends and family. With Twitter or Facebook, it is easy to track who is being referred by whom. Make it worth the while for the referrer.

By Charlie Rudd Corporate Developments.

Friday 14 September 2012

Time Management on the Job and Be More Productive

Time management is a skill you can improve. To improve your time management skills, you need to know what to focus on, and how to focus.
Here are ten ways you can use to improve your time management skills over time:
    • Work on the high ROI stuff. Apply Pareto’s Principle (The “80/20 Rule”). Work on the 20% of activities that produce the 80% of your results. For example, rather than just do a lot of tasks just because they are easy to do, ask yourself, “What do I want to accomplish?” Chances are you can find smarter or better plays, with more leverage or more impact. Trade-up, and do less to accomplish more.
    • Team up. Pair up with other people and improve your own effectiveness. Ask yourself, “Who can I team up with to get results? How can I build more effective teams? Who should be paired up on the team for best results?” By pairing up, you create a team of capabilities and you can amplify your results. This can also help you get over your own personal bottlenecks, by finding complimentary skills. Worst case, you can make common chores, more fun.
    • Create clarity. Ask yourself, “Who, what, when, where, why, how?” Having clarity of mind makes it easy to focus on what’s important. It also makes it easy to know where you are in the process. The bottom line is, clarity saves you time.
    • Clear your mind. Carry a small pad for tasks, notes and ideas. When you declutter your mind, you make it easier to act on your ideas, and you have more of your attention available to focus where it counts.
    • Don’t dwell on the past. Catch the next train. Keep your trains leaving the station. When you miss one, don’t hold your train back. Instead, catch the next one.
    • Learn how to scan. Find and focus on what’s important faster. By scanning before drilling, you can figure out where to invest more of your time. You can also avoid spending too much time following dead end trails.
    • Make minor decisions quickly. Don’t spend $20 on a $5 problem. Decisions take energy. If you over-invest in small decisions, then you waste your time and energy.
    • Periodically evaluate how you’re using your time. Remember that time changes what’s important. Your current schedule may be a slave to your past priorities, or may conflict with your current goals.
    • Give yourself less time for things. Remember Parkinson’s Law – Work expands to fill the time available to completion. To waste less time, give yourself less time.
    • Use The Rule of Three. Use The Rule of Three to avoid getting overwhelmed. Limit yourself to three things and think in threes. For example, identify three wins to focus on for the day, or three wins to focus on for the week. Use these three wins to improve your focus and create compelling results.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Corporate Developments: Law of Attraction- A thought process.

Corporate Developments: Law of Attraction- A thought process.: One of the largest complaints when it comes to the Law of Attraction and the movie The Secret is that they don't focus enough on one k...

Law of Attraction- A thought process.

One of the largest complaints when it comes to the Law of Attraction and the movie The Secret is that they don't focus enough on one key element - Action. It makes sense that we can't just sit on our couches and THINK a million pounds into reality so WHY does the Law of Attraction work and how can you make it work for your own situation?

When you begin to break down the Law of Attraction, the concept that like attracts like, you can see where the action piece comes in. "The Law of Attraction argues that active thoughts attract to it likened experiences." - Wikipedia. We already have the active piece built in. However, let's take it a step further.

Law of attraction really becomes powerful when the thoughts are actively controlled into a mechanism of thought that brings forth further action. Here's the process.

• Gratitude - the act of being grateful requires thought. Gratitude for all of the little things in your life, specifically focusing on the small pieces of what you are trying to attract, requires conscious action. You must ponder that which you want and being to see it existing in your life already. Example: Let's say you want a new car. The first act is to focus on all of the wonderful things about the mode of transportation you currently have. Enjoy everything about it in every way.

• Awareness - being grateful brings to your awareness all that is good within your life now and all the wonderful things that come into your life regularly. By consciously being grateful, you begin to see more wonderful opportunities present themselves within your life. It's like when you do buy a new car and all of a sudden every third car on the road is the same model. Why didn't you notice that before? Example: In your desire to own a new car, you began to enjoy riding the bus. You enjoyed meeting the people on the bus and the exercise of walking to the bus stop. You were then presented with a friend that wanted to sell their bike they never use. This is a step up to you and you recognized the opportunity and jumped on it.

• Seeking - Once you begin to be aware of the things that are coming your way through gratitude, you will start to seek out more opportunities. Now you aren't only noticing those same model cars but actually taking action by looking for more of them as if you started your own game of punch bug with your model car! Example: Now that you have a wonderful bike, you begin to see the possibilities. You start looking in the Auto-Trader and online for the car you want. You are actively seeking out what will move you forward in your goal.

• Adjust - Sometimes, as we begin to actively look for what we want and discover what it will take to acquire it, we must adjust. Sometimes we must adjust what we want based on the fact that we now have a clearer picture of what it will take to get it and sometimes we must adjust ourselves to become the person that can obtain what we truly want.

• CELEBRATE! Often overlooked. We don't celebrate our victories nearly enough. When the reward is great, the effort is worth it. Make the reward EXTRAORDINARY!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Corporate Developments: Defining Innovation.

Corporate Developments: Defining Innovation.: Defining Innovation How do you define innovation? If I were to ask a room of people (from the same organisation) how they define i...

Defining Innovation.

Defining Innovation
How do you define innovation?

If I were to ask a room of people (from the same organisation) how they define innovation, the changes are that each person will provide a different answer. In order for companies to execute innovation through the launch of products or services with value to their target audience, they have to have a clear definition of innovation, which is clearly communicated across the organisation.

A definition of innovation needs to have an alignment with the overall company strategy. Without this alignment and a sense of strategic intent, innovation can prove difficult to accomplish, due to lack of understanding and direction from people who are active in innovation within the organisation.
However, do be aware of a mistake that can be made – viewing innovation as a strategy; instead, innovation should be viewed as an enabler to a strategy.

To aid in defining innovation, it can be useful to think of aspects such as; are you wanting to execute incremental (small changes based on existing products and services) or game changing (completely new changes to the market) innovations?

One of the clearest definitions of innovation I have read is 3M's: The use or application of creativity to generate a new or novel output having value for customers.

What is your definition of innovation?

Sunday 2 September 2012

A new angle on Lead Generation:
Finding good B2B leads has been and always will be difficult. With all the competition constantly popping up like mushrooms, it’s not a wonder as to why you’ll have a hard time with making your brand known within your target market. But with social media, you can still do that. Rather than sticking to just direct marketing approaches like B2B telemarketing and email/direct mail marketing, businesses have taken to the Internet and have begun to promote their brand on social networks. Because of the fact that millions of users are online everyday, it makes being seen by your target market and prospects all the more easier. If you are selling a product that the public is looking for, then they will certainly find you. If you are offering a service that many are in need of, the same goes for you. Nowadays, people spend most of their time online in order to research about products and services they may be in need of. That being said, your company may just pop up in the search results when they open up Google. Establishing your presence online and using social media marketing is now part of the key to your success, as well as a new avenue you can learn to use for lead generation.

Online presence – As per what has been said, establishing an online presence is part of how a company can and will succeed in today’s B2B world. Without a strong online presence, or at least the capability to be found online, then a company will be stuck in a rut where they don’t generate leads and not even make sales. People nowadays just adore search engines. If they are looking for something, then off they go to Google, Yahoo!, or to Bing. A few keystrokes after they hit the search engines and next thing you know, they’re looking at an entire list of results. However, they usually only ever stay and rely on the results on the first page. So if you don’t have a strong online presence, your position in search engine results will, of course, be relative to your ranking. If you want your B2B leads to find your company, then establishing your presence online will definitely aid you in lead generation as well as to draw in more business opportunities.
These are just of a few reasons why social media is becoming one of the biggest things in both B2C, and B2B marketing in the present time. What’s your take on why social media marketing is a hit?
By Charlie Rudd, Corporate Developments.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Its Important for us to Provide Account Management

It is my opinion that in order to maintain "ownership" of an account over a period of time the salesperson must maintain contact and document that contact. I would set expectations for the frequency and type of contacts required to maintain that "ownership".

Too often salesperson makes the sale and then moves on to concentrate on new clients or new accounts because they do not perceive a financial gain to be had by simply "maintaining" contact with an account they've already sold -- especially if they are no longer receiving commission or bonus from that account.

This short sighted but distressingly common approach leaves the customer wondering why they gave your company the business.

By maintaining contact and developing a relationship with the customer over time the salesperson positions him or herself to: gain referrals, add new business at the existing account, provide his or her company with valuable feedback regarding the customers perception of his or her company whether they are fulfilling commitments. This obviously greatly increases the chances that the company can retain that account over time. If you never lose a customer all sales become net gains and I've always viewed that as a very good thing.

If they salesperson does not maintain the required level of contact (email, phone, personal, etc.) then they have absolutely no right to regard that customer as "theirs". In that situation the customer is "up for grabs" -- a situation that can cause many problems and make growing that customers business a much more difficult task.

Any good,great salesperson will stay in contact FOR EVER. They can do additional business with the client and also obtain referrals. If they do not stay in contact the client will not have any loyalty.Therefore, no client, no follow up sale.

Charlie Rudd. Corporate Developments.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Corporate Developments: How to keep consistent with Sales.

Corporate Developments: How to keep consistent with Sales.: The sales profession is a wonderful one, if you can deal with the psychological aspect of dealing with the constant pressure and the ups...

How to keep consistent with Sales.

The sales profession is a wonderful one, if you can deal with the psychological aspect of dealing with the constant pressure and the ups and downs of sales.
For those of you who know what I mean and have experienced those peaks and valleys, I have great news – There is a way to avoid the lows. It took me awhile to figure out the key to getting consistent results. For years I would experience the ups and downs associated with sales. The ups were of fantastic but the downs were excruciating. You have the pressure from your manager and feel as if you need to press more and more, only to get more and more “no’s”. Then comes the self-doubt…and the spiral downward begins. Once the confidence is lost, a salesperson goes from thinking, “I am going to get the sale” to “I need to get the sale!” Somehow, it comes across, the prospect senses it and in the long run, your pressing too much, you lose credibility and ultimately you lose the sale. 
How do you avoid this trap that is often the demise of many a sales folk?  It is easy; all you need to do is continue to feed the sales funnel. The best way to do that is to have consistent activity. Consistent activity leads to consistent results. In order to figure out how to have consistent activity, it is helpful to understand why there are often inconsistencies in your activity levels.
One of the reasons there tends to be inconsistencies is when the sales are high. A salesperson tends to divert their focus from prospecting to making sure everything gets set up properly for their new sales. They stop filling their pipeline and then come out of the great sales months with a very weak pipeline.  Again, when the pipeline is weak, the salesperson then starts “pushing’, often times trying to fit round pegs into a square holes. This is another destructive behavior, since close ratios go down and the confidence levels go down as well. Then it is hard to get back up that hill once again.
Another reason for activity levels to go down is the natural inclination for a sales person is to take their foot off the petal when the sales start coming in. They convince themselves that they deserve it and take a mental break. Unfortunately, often times it is hard for them to get it going again…, resulting in months of poor results.

You can get phenomenal results by just doing one thing, make sure all of your efforts are focusing on maintaining high activity levels and consistently fill your pipeline. By doing that, your results will be consistent, you will maintain confidence and you will ride the success wave for a very long time.  

Sunday 19 August 2012

Corporate Developments: Top 15 Ways to Use Facebook Fan Pages to Grow Your...

Corporate Developments: Top 15 Ways to Use Facebook Fan Pages to Grow Your...: Below is a list of 15 ways to use your Facebook Fan Page for business. Some of them will require apps and others just clever mark...

Top 15 Ways to Use Facebook Fan Pages to Grow Your Business

Below is a list of 15 ways to use your Facebook Fan Page for business. Some of them will require apps and others just clever marketing and a passion for your business.

1-Populate your 'Info' Tab fully with your company name, tag line, mission statement, products and services, contact information AND Website link(s). This is often the first link I click when I visit a Fan Page. Make sure that you utilize this space fully with all the pertinent points about your company.

2-Have a special Welcome Tab that all new visitors will see when they visit. It can be the image of a flyer promoting your business. It can be your logo, tag line and core products and services. It can have a call-to-action to get people to like the page and/or opt in to your email list. Many have utilized this special Tab by embedding a video with a welcome message. There are many apps that you can use to install and customize a Welcome Tab.

3-Enable a 'Videos' Tab that shows your promotional, instructional or product/service videos.

4-Install a Twitter Tab to show people that they can connect with you on Twitter as well, plus they can see your latest Tweets. Involver.com is a popular provider of this application

5-Install a 'Reviews' Tab where people can write Reviews or Testimonials about you, your product or service or your business. There is actually a separate applications that I found for Reviews and Testimonials. However, you can do a simple Facebook search and find them both. Then you can do your own research on each of them to see which is the best fit for your business.

6-Populate your Photos section with photos of your products, photos of your team performing services, photos of appearances, sponsorships or product placements.

7-Update your status regularly with product or service tips related to your business or industry, positive quotes (fans always welcome a positive tone), news items related to your business or industry and of course, information about Product or Service specials, etc.

8-Install a Contact Tab for people to get in touch with you via your Facebook Fan Page. Makes you seem more accessible and could increase business leads.

9-Install a Blog tab to show your latest blog posts which helps to position you as an expert and build your credibility. Some blog tab applications also update your Facebook Fan Page status as soon as a new post has been published.

10-Install an Events Tab to publicize special events, appearances at Expos or Seminars to your Fans and Followers.

11-Conduct formal surveys with apps such as the Survey Monkey App. You can also do informal surveys by asking leading questions for your Fans to answer on the page itself.

12-Take product orders on your Fan Page. I installed an HTML App for a client and then inserted the code for a form that allowed users to place orders via the Fan Page.

13-Install an Opt-in form on your Fan Page to help build your list. Of course it helps to have a free gift like an e-book, e-report, video series. If you already have an opt-in form with a freebie on your website, you can use the same one here.

14-Install a documents application like Scribd to showcase presentations. This is especially helpful if you are a speaker.

15-Use Facebook AS your Fan Page. Once you are logged in to Facebook and you visit your Fan Page, there is an option on the right that allows you to 'Use Facebook As [Your Fan Page Name]. This has enormous value because it allows you to expose your Fan Page to persons in your target market. You can 'Like' other pages as [Your Fan Page Name], make comments and share advice. Be mindful to use this feature with integrity. Add real value to conversations on other's pages. Don't try to self-promote and of course, don't spam.
Corporate Developments.

Friday 17 August 2012

“When I started Out, All I Had Was The Yellow Pages & A Phone”

There are certain topics that we all know to stay away from because history has shown us that people go from zero to nasty right quick. It’s the fun topics like religion or politics and now amongst the sales brethren its cold calling.
I thought it might be interesting to “go there” today and present what I feel are misunderstandings regarding the beloved cold call.

1) How We Define “Cold Call”:There are lots of people out there who define any form of phone call to a prospect as a cold call. Its used in a generic context like if you were to “Xerox” something or “Google” someone. There are others who feel that a cold call is calling any business “cold” as in working straight off a list, no pre call planning etc. And there are still more who believe that all calls are cold calls because whether you pre call plan or not, you are calling someone who isn’t expecting your call using an interruption strategy. All I can say is that you know its going to be a fun discussion when no one can even agree on what the heck a cold call is in the first place.

2) The Anti Cold Calling Theory of Working Smarter Not Harder:One way this is misunderstood is by the people who embrace the theory in too much of a literal sense. I’m all about working smarter. In fact, I’m one of those idiots who believed that all you had to do was make a kazillion calls and statistically speaking you had to win. My issue with this statement is that too many times “working smarter” becomes an excuse for not getting our uniforms dirty. In many cases we are preparing to prepare instead of working. For example: I’ve interviewed sales professionals who do more along the lines of 15 targeted calls per week and that’s it. I’m here to tell you that if that’s all you do, you aren’t working smarter. You simply don’t have enough activity to make it. My feeling is that I can research the heck out of 15 companies but if between caller id, assistants, voice mails etc I only connect with 3, even with a perfect score, I only have 3 appointments.

3) The Researching A Prospect Is An Excuse Crowd: These are the ones who feel that all you should do is “smile and dial” More specifically, they are the ones who believe that you are slacking if you are researching clients and its basically an avoidance strategy. Depending on the rep, they could be right or wrong. Here’s an easy solution; when its “game time” we play the game, not research the game. Therefore, it makes better sense to do the research during off hours instead of money hours. Problem solved. I’m here to tell you that if you don’t take the time to research there are tons of prospects who are going to call you out on it. I’m also here to tell you that you gamble when you don’t take the time to research . You gamble in thinking that your competitor hasn’t prepared better than you. That my friends is a suckers bet every time!

4) You Suck If You Don’t Cold Call:These are the people who believe that there is no other way and if you don’t want to cold call, you have a poor work ethic. To that I would respond with a simple question “Why would you care how I get my sale as long as its between ethical and legal?” If I’m making my numbers or I have a solid plan on how I will generate the revenue, why is that not valid? Furthermore, when I bring home the bacon (and I will) does it count less because it didn’t originate from cold calling? Also, what if I truly suck on the phone but I’m a brilliant public speaker or master blogger or social networker? Why would you discourage me from using those venues if I get the results? Note to Sales Managers: Sometimes we are so busy trying to convert a rep into something they aren’t that we fail to help them shine in the areas where they are in fact, quite strong. I want to make sure that I’m crystal clear on something. As a trainer, I wholeheartedly believe that we have to face our fears and step outside our comfort zone. I also believe that we have to really look at ourselves in the mirror (the unforgiving full length one) assess ourselves and work on the areas that need some fixing up. The challenge with that is when we spend so much time on weaknesses that we don’t enhance or work with our strengths.

5) It’s a Numbers Game: Let’s say this is 100% true and in this context the phone is a stand alone new account acquisition strategy. Utilizing a well thought out “sales mix” will improve those numbers. When I say “sales mix” I’m talking about email, snail mail, creative things, networking, social networking, blogging, E-Books, lunch and learns, speaking engagements, referrals, webinars etc. Saying that the phone is a numbers game, a “contact sport” if you will, can also force us to be so focused on the number of calls that we fail to communicate a compelling message.

6) Here’s A Huge Area We Are Misunderstanding: The fact that everyone has a preferred communication venue. For some it’s the phone, for many it’s email, others its through social networking etc. The plot thickens folks because we need to really look at the Gen Y’s that are moving into influencing/decision making positions. What do you think their preferred communication venue is? They love to email, text, communicate through social media and the phone is usually ranked last. When we embrace the phone as a stand alone strategy, we limit ourselves to say the least.

7) Cold Calling vs Social Media: I have a simple answer to this. Why? As in why does it have to be one vs the other? Why can’t they both exist together as part of that well balanced “sales mix” we discussed earlier?

8) “When I started Out, All I Had Was The Yellow Pages & A Phone” From now on, if anyone says that to you, I want you to pat them on the head and give them a “bless your heart” for good measure. That used and abused line is nothing more than a justification for being too cheap and/or lazy to invest in Sales 2.0 Technology or in training you to be more lethal in your craft.

9) The Sales 2.0 Enthusiast: This is the person who relies so much on the shiny new object or is so busy talking about Sales 2.0 that they fail to realize that sooner or later, this will most probably come down to a phone call, in real time (as in not virtual or more specifically one where you aren’t communicating on a computer screen) For some, they have a bad habit of clinging to the virtual world where they feel safer, for others they understand that all of these virtual relationships have to transition. When we do transition or to that end of transitioning, we’re going to need those tried and true skills that some feel are now antiquated.

10) The Cold Call Is Dead: We could debate this one all week. Some of the misunderstanding goes back to how we define a cold call to just calling it like we see it because we know what works for us.
And maybe that’s what sales is all about. You and I having lots of cool choices, the willingness to try different approaches and the wisdom to know what works best with our particular style.

So what say you Sales Playbook community. Is the cold call misunderstood?

Thursday 16 August 2012

Can You Rule The World of Sales Using Your Imagination?

Can You Rule The World of Sales Using Your Imagination?
Napoleon once said,” Imagination rules the world. “

In some industries, imagination is essential to success. Designers, writers, photographers, illustrators and others need constant creativity and ingenuity to stay ahead of the competition. Without it, they and their businesses fall flat.

The very same prinicple applies to sales. While most people don’t consider business a creative industry, imagination is just as important in business as in other fields. The best salespeople look beyond the obvious to generate good ideas, then work and strategize to make them come to fruition and utlimately their company more profitable.

Imagination is one of the most important things a salesperson can have, and the benefits go beyond dreaming up new ventures. Successful salespeople are also imaginative in problem solving. They see multiple solutions to a problem, even when some may not be obvious, and their creative solutions usually generate better outcomes than would be possible otherwise.

So, what can you do to put your imagination to work for you? When talking to a prospect, use your imagination to help them visualize the ease of doing business and all the profits they’ll make when they use your products or services.

Tell them a story that weaves in the facts about your dedication, your services and your willingness to send them ideas and help fulfill their needs.

A constructive imagination will sweep away your competitors like yesterdays trash. Imaginative stories and ideas will seem like a breath of fresh air to customers who’ve only been “entertained” with dry details, facts, figures and me-me-me-ness by your competitors.

If you’ll develop your imaginative powers to the utmost, you’ll develop your sales numbers in the same proportion.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Corporate Developments: Not selling but beginning a relationship.

Corporate Developments: Not selling but beginning a relationship.: Major success in cold calling is to take an approach of not selling but beginning a relationship that adds value to that company or person...

Not selling but beginning a relationship.

Major success in cold calling is to take an approach of not selling but beginning a relationship that adds value to that company or person to whom you are targeting. Open with a statement that allows for them to begin sharing information with you. Do not over power the conversation with your own ideas or thoughts. Be natural and genuinely interested in their business. Selling is about relationships and the value to which you bring. Not how good you can close from a call script. And always know when to move on to the next prospect and not waste time trying to force something that is not worthwhile.
Advice for the day by Charlie Rudd.

Monday 30 July 2012

Corporate Developments: Law of Attraction and Your Business.

Corporate Developments: Law of Attraction and Your Business.:     Law of Attraction and Your Business: Imagine the Picture of Your Success and Then Have it The secret law of attraction was for ...

Law of Attraction and Your Business.



Law of Attraction and Your Business: Imagine the Picture of Your Success and Then Have it

The secret law of attraction was for a long time the greatest secret kept in human history. Businessmen and Millionaires kept this little known treasure to themselves, and their success is phenomenal. If you've ever wondered what the difference was between you and them, this is it:

The Law of Attraction.

Some people will scoff at the thought that the law of attraction is what allowed these people to gain their riches and fully enjoy life, but it's true. You can use the secret law of attraction to benefit you, just as they have used the secret law of attraction to gain wealth, power, happiness, and more.

Many people have tried to use the law of attraction consciously, but it hasn't worked. If you're one of those people - if you feel that the secret, and therefore the entire universe, has failed you - read on, because it may be the universe that has failed.

If you're expecting the law of attraction to work overnight for you, think again. If you have never consciously used the secret law of attraction in your life before, it may take time for you to even realize that it's working.

Another mistake people make when attempting to benefit from the law is that they think the universe will deliver everything they need on a golden platter-IMMEDIATELY!. The law of attraction does not work like that - you cannot expect to get something from nothing.

The secret will open doors for you by attracting opportunities across your path and by allowing you to do things you wouldn't normally do, but it will not make a magic pile of gold bricks appear without any work- you also need to be ready to 'receive' what you are asking for. If your dream is to own your own business, the secret law of attraction will give you the opportunity to do so.

The law has been around for quite a long time - business pro's earning millions of dollars a year put the secret law of attraction to work for them time and time again, and you can easily put it to work, too.

The secret is as simple as thinking of what you want, seeing it in your possesion, and willing it to you. Your thoughts will manifest into reality - that's the basic principle of the law of attraction.

Close your eyes, and will what you want to come to you - extra money, extra work, love, hope, Try to connect with how you will feel when these things are yours, imagine they are yours with an 'attitude of gratitude', and it will all come to be. It really is that easy, and you can really achieve everything you've wanted in life - riches, fame, and more - if you use this law.

Friday 20 July 2012

Know What Your Customers Believe

Beliefs drive behavior; this is has been proven true time and time again and I believe it is one of the great laws of the universe. So it makes sense if you are in sales it is probably pretty important to learn what your customer believes. Yet I will be willing to bet that learning your customer’s beliefs is not at the top of most sales rep’s priority lists. Maybe it should be.

Your goal in selling is to have a business conversation with another person and to hopefully change their mind and then their behavior so that they use your product (or perhaps use more of your product). I don’t know how you can attempt to do that unless you know what that person really believes. If you are not able to adequately explain what your customer believes and thinks about your product or service, then you need to learn what these beliefs are. The very best way I have ever discovered to do that is to ask — that’s the best way to find out the information you seek. It makes sense to construct a well crafted question that doesn’t sound threatening, creates a safe environment and sets the tone that you are truly interested in learning about your customer. You may say something like this: “It occurred to me that I am really not 100% certain how you currently view my product. I would love to ask you to share with me how you currently view my product and have it positioned in your mind, if at all? Could you take a moment to help me understand this so I can make certain what I share with you is most relevant?”

Being able to identify a belief is a great starting point, but you still want to learn more. You want to learn where that belief originated from, if at all possible. It could be based on experience, or what this customer was taught in training, or a recommendation from a colleague. Why is it significant to learn how that belief was shaped? The obvious reason is that your customer describing their beliefs either confirms that you truly understand them or that you need to ask some clarifying questions to learn more.

By asking this type of question, you gain extra insight: It enables you to get a glimpse of the thought processes that your customer employs to arrive at the decision as to the best option/product/solution for them. It will also help you identify different factors that will likely influence this customer. For example, you may learn that a colleague recommended a competitor’s product based on his experiences. Now you know not only that your competitor is already being used within that organization but that your customer values this colleague’s input. It makes sense to talk to that person of influence and gain an understanding of that individual. (And you may influence more potential customers by engaging this one influential person).

The quest for customer knowledge and insight for top performing sales people is never ending. By focusing your efforts to learn more about your customer, such as their beliefs, you’ll find it is easier not only to tailor your product discussion but to develop a business relationship with that person. You’ll notice that your customer responds differently to you once you gain this understanding — and you’ll very likely see the results in your sales numbers.

Monday 16 July 2012

Whats going on with Lead Generation?




Lead Generation Has Grown Up

  • The role has been elevated from being viewed as a low-skill phone resource to being viewed as an important element of a sales strategy.
  • Today, quality is key and lead generation is becoming a proper part of the sales cycle. It is about identifying REAL opportunities which match with the model/strategy. For us, the group reports to Marketing and that is in question. At some point, it might have to be moved to sales.
  • Lead generation used to be volume based; it was mostly about a pure appointment setting activity. Now it’s about quality and not quantity. It’s a more critical part of the pipeline generation/overall sales process than most people give it credit for.

Crazy Busy Buyers

  • There’s less direct contact with key buyers. So there’s more emphasis on value messaging and specific insight from lead nurturing, trigger events or insight gleaned from speaking with lower level folks (day in the life pains).
  • It’s increasingly more difficult as c-levels hide behind AAs, voicemail and even e-mail. It takes more dogged determination and creativity.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Why Social Media helps Business.

Social media marketing was not a well furnished method of marketing, but rather a best practice that evolved because of the numerous benefits of having a social media presence. It's a way of marketing in which you get in touch with potential customers through social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn and so on. The advantages of social media marketing are numerous. Social media marketing works by making use of internet places where customers approach on a day to day basis and thereby creating awareness of the business product or service.
Creating a brand value via awareness is one of the advantages of social media networking. Facebook is the social media website that has been rated as the site with most hits on the internet. Therefore via facebook marketing your business will be visible to a wide range of audience. It helps to identify potential customers both locally and globally whereby paves way to new sale spots. Not just it helps to identify potential customers; social network presence also helps in identifying competitors in your field of business. It helps you to have strategic business plots in place to manage your space in the market.
Live feedback from the customers is the most fruitful part of facebook commerce and marketing. The success of a product or service can be known instantly via the customer comments and likes on the facebook pages or communities. Feedback choices available in the social media sites like, following in twitter, like in Facebook and so on are very much effective than running a customer satisfaction survey. These social networking sites are visited by millions of users. Even if your business profile is not popular among all the millions, you would be able to gain attraction of a wider crowd. Popularity gained in such social media sites aid in expanding your business to new locations.
The customer relationship maintained via the facebook is more intimate. The updates have to be precise and up-to-date to ensure smooth handling of the customers. Facebook community pages also help keeping a personal relationship with your valuable customers by making sure they are notified precisely about the company activities. Customer support via facebook is more effective as the company would be answering customer queries and concerns directly in a timely fashion. This will further add to the customer satisfaction and achieves cost effectiveness by saving money from customer phone calls. The direct interaction made with customers results in increased trust on your company and the service offered. This will encourage the customer to choose you on top of your competitors and make recommendation to other fellow customers.
Featuring your business product is quite important in bringing attention to your products. Few sites even offer a promotional code to increase the sales. And it's stated to be an eco friendly method of advertising. No ink and paper is wasted for marketing or advertising campaign. Keep updating your site with new product releases, upcoming promotions, special seasonal offers, running contests and so on. This will help you in maintaining the existing group of loyal customer to be stringed to your business.
Facebook marketing is found to have the highest return on interest in terms of marketing. For any scales of business, facebook commercials are found to be the most cost effective solution when compared to the conventional methods of advertisement and marketing. It's easy to run a market research via social media sites rather than spending huge amount of money with such agencies running market research. 
Every business aspires to expand their business to new heights and new locations. Spreading your business is easier with social networking sites which has millions and millions of visitors. Harnessed properly, social networking would definitely create a boost in your business.

Monday 9 July 2012

Do You Know Why Your Doing What You Do?

The powerful question in Sales is WHY? why do we care?why do we want to change? why will this benefit you and your company? why are you doing it? why should we trust you? to find a solution to Why, this must come from within yourself and the solution for me is to believe.

Do Business with people who believe what they believe,hire people who believe in what you believe.
As the great Simon Sinek states, Apple would not state "we make great computers with simple design do you want one" they would say "Everything we do challenges status quo and we just happen to make great computers want to buy one" the same thing different langage.
Apple believe in their products and know they make excellent computers, thats what they do and how can that help your business. People buy Why your doing it.

You must Believe in your services, products and skills, You may have Talent but this alone will not create long term success without developing your skills, "Talent will fail if you don't work to develop your skills"

If your inner diloge is telling you it's too hard, a wase of time, or the econnomy is shafted nobody is spending, you are creating negativity within yourself and this will most certainly effect your sales.

It's a nessesaty to make a difference in your attitude to potenial clients, it's vital you communicate and build good rapport, understand their believe as a business and know WHY their doing it.

How can 2mm change things?
If your playing Golf and you constantly swinging into the rough, the 2mm angle of the club head can change the hole game of golf, if you go for surgery on your face, 2mm can change your ugly face to beauty, so if your sat in a call center not getting the results on the phone, move your torso up 2mm and listen to the change in your voice, its more possative and confident in its self.

Successful people do what failures wont.

By Charlie Rudd Corporate Developments.

What to look for in a Telemarketing Company.





What to look for in a Telemarketing Company.

How can we separate the capable cold calling firm from the not-so-capable ones?
It’s just a matter of asking the right questions. It’s just like interviewing someone if he or she is perfect for a job position in your organization. You ask them some questions to gauge their professionalism on what will be their tasks. Here are some questions that you can use in searching for the right contact center.
  • Can you give me a list of some companies that you have worked with in the past?
  • Where the campaigns of said companies successful?
  • Is your contact database updated and verified constantly?
  • How long have you been in the lead generation industry?
  • What happens if an appointment fails to show up?
  • How much are the services of your sales representatives?
  • What is your edge among other contact centers?

If the call center is able to prove that their answers with hard-core evidence, then by all means opt for them and let the business leads and sales appointments fill your sales pipeline.
This is it for today’s tip. Tune in tomorrow for the next technique on how to bring success to your b2b lead generation campaign.
By Charlie Rudd Corporate Developments.

Friday 6 July 2012

Are You Missing Sales Opportunities Because of Your Follow-up Skills?



Are You Missing Sales Opportunities Because of Your Follow-up Skills?

As sales people I think that a lot of us don’t follow-up enough because of a common fear we share...the fear of rejection. Sometimes we feel more comfortable with no feedback rather than hearing that dreaded word "NO". I teach my salespeople and customers all the time that hearing no isn't necessarily a bad thing. As a matter of fact it is the second best answer you can hear behind "YES". Truth be told, by hearing the word "NO" does three great things for you:

1. It lets you know where you stand. You don't have to guess what your prospect thinks of your approach/solution/pitch/etc. I will take 10 "NO's" over 10 "Maybe's" any day of the week. At least with "NO" you can move on to another prospect where a "MAYBE" might keep you hanging around and wasing valuable time.

2. It opens up a lot more options and opportunities for you than not hearing anything.

3. It allows you to learn from your mistakes, uncover missed customer needs or obstacles, answer any of their objections/hesitations (real or perceived), clear up any misunderstandings, or change your sales tactic.

Follow-up should be exctiting for both you and the client. This is an opportunitiy for you both to continue to build a meaningful relationship and establish yourself as someone of value. After all, you are selling service, not cemetery plots...have fun with it.

Remember, follow-up often with your clients or another salesperson will!

By Charlie Rudd Corporate Developments.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Stop Waiting & Take The Initiative



Stop Waiting & Take The Initiative

A common trait of some of the most successful sales people that I work with or teach, is that they take the initiative. They don’t wait to be told what to do and they don’t wait for someone to ask them to do something.

Taking the initiative is one way they show VALUE to their prospects/customers. Your customers DEPEND on you to be proactive and bring them ideas that make a difference. Your clients don't just want ideas, they NEED and EXPECT your ideas.

While they are focusing on their business, they NEED you to be thinking about how they can take their business to the next level. They appreciate the fact that you are thinking about:

- What isn’t working as well as it could?
- What ideas am I implementing for others that might benefit them?
- What could we develop together that would allow them to produce better results?

These questions aren’t easy to answer but the more difficult the question, the more important the answer. Take the initiative to ask and answer these questions because your clients are COUNTING ON YOU!

By Charlie Rudd Corporate Developments.

Lead Generation

Finding new leads, leads that haven’t yet found you, and preparing them for sales is tough work. Rewarding people to do it well is even trickier business. A good lead generation team keeps your sales team fed and focused on closing deals. It fills your pipeline, creating a steady revenue stream. The lead generation team members develop unique skills and learn how to carefully track leads to pass only the best to sales.
It’s a job with two objectives, right? Pass lots of leads to sales. Pass quality leads to sales. This is where the rewards get tricky.
Since the goal of lead generation is to bring in new leads, you want to reward prospectors who do that. But it doesn’t work to only reward for the number of leads. A prospector who isn’t focused on the final process (sale!) may bring in great volume of poor quality leads.
In the end that will waste sales executives’ time, force the company to pay out when it isn’t receiving revenue and drag down the sales process.
So how do you motivate prospectors to do two things at once?

Charlie Rudd Corporate Developments.

The Appropriate Appointment:

The Appropriate Appointment:
The appropriate appointment, how is this acquired for a client? Many companies outsource there B2BTelemarketing/appointment setting,and many receive incorrect information, appointments which are not saleable or indeed appointments with no reference to the business products of services.
To ensure all your appointments are saleable and importantly relative to your client, then a degree of home work, research, communication and organisation must be done before your team even pick the phone up.
I believe, any manager needs to be confidant that they know their clients Business inside out, in the respect of product knowledge, maintenance of services, always knowing of changes within the service or products that the company may be making, and to communicate with the field team and get a personal angle on the way they like to market  and sell the product and service.

The appropriate appointment, also requires research, on the buyers market your team will be contacting, to generate the appropriate appointment for your client, I believe an element of understanding of why your product or service is appropriate to the buyer.

For the appropriate appointment it is important your team are not only well trained with how your company operates and sells, but importantly they do their home work; and each of your clients have but one appointment Manager per client, so there is continuity and a business relationship can develop and you can represent your client to the best of your ability and provide the perfect appointment and see it through to the close.

Essentially, Knowledge and the correct management of communication between the three parties is the key to the appropriate appointment.

 By Charlie Rudd
Corporate Developments.

Monday 2 July 2012

Why Accountability Matters in My Business.

Why Accountability Matters

Recently, I had a great discussion with one of my longtime friends about how often a manager should “stick their nose” in to their teams business…especially their top producers. His perspective on the matter was that by meeting w/ them often & regularly to discuss activity goals & metrics, it may be construed “micromanagement”. He believed that what any good manager should do is just “get out of their way”. While I agree that “micromanagement” is a poisonous activity for any profession, I can tell you from experience that “getting out their way” may make them happy but it isn’t in the their best interest. Giving your people what they need vs. what they want is the sign of a great leader/manager.

One of the most dangerous mistakes any person can make is to go without accountability. Even short periods of time w/out it can end up causing major problems in producing results later. As much as any person may want to resist activity goals & metrics or as much as a manager may not want to measure/enforce activity goals, it is necessary that you do so—even when that individual is making their numbers.

The best example I can relate this to, is imagine a professional athlete at the absolute top of his/her game. Now imagine that instead of maintaining their strict diet/fitness/practice/mental conditioning regime, they buy in to their own hype, stop listening to their coaches & start taking time off. They start to spend time at bars w/ friends & on the couch watching TV when they should be preparing. As an ex-athlete I know firsthand that people do not suffer from those decisions right away but, at some point, in the very near future, their results will diminish.

The business world isn’t very different than the sports world, is it? Without prospecting for even relatively short periods of time, your pipeline starts to look a little light. Without face to face interactions with your prospects & customers, your deals start to stammer & your pipeline starts to look even weaker. Before you know it…you miss your number for the quarter. This was never your intention; it just sort of slipped away.

Momentum in business requires that you keep some standard. Your activity goals & metrics are an indication of your future results. Like in our scenario, your activity metrics are a snapshot of your fitness level as a professional. W/out activity goals & metrics, it easy to underperform & miss your numbers…no matter if you are an entry level professional or a “top performer”.

I have known many managers to be unforgiving when it comes to activity metrics & goals. Activity isn’t everything, in-fact, a push for activity-at- all-costs turns many of their team members in to creative writers. They start to get reports turned in that are typically full of lies & activity with prospects that should have easily been disqualified. There is a balance required here & it is our job as leaders/managers to find it.

Help everyone on your team to map out a model week. Everyone’s week isn’t going to look exactly same, everyone’s isn’t always going to play out exactly like the model week, & in some instances their weeks are going to look very different based on the demands of the business. The model is simply something to aspire to, an ideal. A single week of poor activity isn’t likely to make or break your sales results. Some weeks are going to be more productive than others, it just works that way. A single week of poor activity ISN’T likely to break your future sales results but a single month of poor activity IS likely to do quite extensive damage and a quarter of poor activity is likely to spell doom.

To my friend & anyone else reading this…this is my case for activity goals & metrics. As the case for sports, or any profession for that matter, it is very difficult to make up for lost time. Activity goals & metrics, or accountability, are what keep you deliberately moving upward and onward

Sunday 1 July 2012


Anybody can be a successful entrepreneur. Even someone who didn’t finish college or wasn’t born rich can attain financial success. How do you think these people manage to do it? Simple. They knew the secrets of successful entrepreneurs and applied them in their life.
I know that you must be a little sceptical. If anybody can be successful financially, then why are most people still in the same place they were five or ten years ago? The answer is fear.
They are holding themselves back. Are you one of them? Now is the time for you to turn your life around. Read these secrets of successful entrepreneurs and realize your dreams.
1) Passion is everything.
A lot of self-made millionaires are passionate about what they do. Whether it’s selling dogs or selling a food service, if the passion is there, the money will definitely follow.
So if you’re thinking of starting a successful business, better start with what you’re really passionate about. Sit down with yourself and list down the things you really like. Even if your passion sounds ridiculous, it wouldn’t be silly anymore after you earn millions of pounds from it!
2) Planning is a must.
One of the secrets of successful entrepreneurs is planning. These people eat, drink and breathe planning. Why? Because if you don’t know how to plan things accordingly, you’re going to end up wasting your potential and your time. Other people will be able to trick you into shelling out money, or into making unsound decisions.
If you’re not really a planning person, then you’re going to have to adjust. Buy yourself an organizer and commit to it. If it’s not written there, then it’s not happening.
3) Faith will lead the way.
Somewhere down the road, you might start having doubts about whether this whole thing is such a good idea or not. This is where faith comes in.
A lot of successful entrepreneurs have experienced losing direction and not knowing what they should do next. But they hang on with only their passion, their planning and their faith.
Soon, something happens that boosts their business. They regain clarity and direction. This is one of the reasons why faith is one of the most important secrets of successful entrepreneurs. Without it, everything else will be a failure. 

You already know how the financially successful live. Now, you also know the secrets of successful entrepreneurs. I say you’re well on your way towards attaining your goals in business and life.

Saturday 30 June 2012

15 Voicemail tips to get you past the gatekeeper

Friday 29 June 2012

The First Question I ask My Salespeople!

The first question I always ask my salespeople is "What are you selling? 

The answer I'm looking for is yourself. The client won't buy anything if they don't like you. 

Learning about the different personalities, how to sell them and make them comfortable with you is the key to selling. 

The second question I ask is "How do you treat others"? 

I don't want to hear "As I would like to be treated" because then you will alienate 75% of the people you deal with. You are a just one of the 4 different personalities and the other 3 don't wish to be treated the same way. Of course there are some standard things like honesty, kindness, and sincerity but different personalities have different needs in order to feel good about themselves and you and if you don't know what these needs are then you lost the game. 

Within 2 - 3 sentences I can tell which personality you are, the best way to sell you and make you feel comfortable with me. After that I need to know my product and how that product/service will help YOU. 

I think any good sales trainer will know the above and teach it if they really want the salespeople to close more often but I suspect it is the one thing never covered.

By Charlie Rudd Corporate Developments.